IBTCPOTME Novel - Chapter 132
**Chapter 132**
**The Mexican-American War (5)**
“They’ve arrived.”
“Yes, Admiral. They arrived on time.”
Even though the messenger had brought news of their arrival after circumventing New Orleans to the south, they were visible from afar.
The 1st Corps of the Mexican Empire had arrived.
“What about our side?”
“Ready for deployment.”
The fleet had also suffered some losses in the previous battle.
Of the 16 ironclad ships, three had suffered damage to their steam engine systems, either due to accumulated shock or a lucky shot hitting the engine.
Ironclads with damaged steam engines lose their mobility and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. Extensive repairs are needed to fix them, and it will take considerable time and effort to return them to combat readiness.
Several monitor ships, armored frigates, and smaller warships were also deemed half-destroyed or unfit for battle.
Numerically, it was a significant loss, but the fleet’s actual combat power came from the ironclads, so it wasn’t enough to hinder operations. The remaining 13 ironclads had only sustained minor damage that required simple repairs.
The fleet waited for the army, repairing damaged ships, treating injured soldiers, and burying the dead.
They were ready for the next battle.
“All ships, deploy!”
The sound of steam engines starting echoed, and smoke began to billow from the chimneys.
The fleet began to appear in New Orleans as it moved up the river.
“The Mexican Empire’s fleet!”
“Damn it, the number is almost unchanged.”
The New Orleans militia, who had heard about the outcome of the battle from the retreating garrison at Fort St. Philip and Fort Jackson, had held onto a glimmer of hope.
“Don’t worry! The United States Army has arrived!”
The 50,000 troops hastily sent to defend the Mississippi River had grown in size as they marched south.
This was because additional personnel had been sent from the federal government, and American citizens who came to join the army were hastily accepted.
The sight of the army marching forward, kicking up dust, was majestic. Their steps across the southern plains were filled with determination. They had gathered to defend their land, their people.
Those who had not joined the central army also joined the city militia after hearing that New Orleans was the enemy’s target.
The regular army dispatched by the central government took over the command of the militia. Thus, a massive army of 90,000 was formed, consisting of 20,000 militia and 70,000 United States federal troops.
“…Most of them are Southerners.”
“That’s right. What are the Yankees doing? Is this just a Southern war?”
Some people expressed their dissatisfaction. In fact, 70,000 out of the 90,000 were Southerners.
This was because Southerners had a much greater resentment towards the Mexican Empire, and because they were closer to the border, more people joined the army faster.
Lieutenant General Winfield Scott ordered the evacuation of civilians still remaining in the city and the reinforcement of defensive facilities.
“At least they sent a lot of cannons from the North, so hurry up and set them up.”
President James Polk hadn’t just started the war without a plan. The development and mass production of new cannons capable of damaging ironclads was something he had been preparing for a year.
The US defensive line became stronger with each cannon installation. As the Mexican fleet appeared in the distance, the garrison’s movements became frantic.
“They’re coming!”
A cannonball fired from the Mexican Empire’s fleet landed on the riverbank. The waves on the riverbank churned briefly due to the impact.
“Return fire!”
The Battle of New Orleans had begun.
“Ironclads, including the flagship, target the north, and the rest attack the south!”
The ironclads lined up in a single file were essentially acting as human shields.
This was because most of the city of New Orleans was concentrated north of the Mississippi River. The south side of the river was still largely undeveloped, and most of the garrison and defenses were concentrated on the north side.
Boom boom boom!
As the armored frigates engaged in close-range bombardment, the Mexican 1st Corps’ artillery, which had already approached sufficiently, unleashed a devastating barrage.
Bang! Boom boom boom boom! Boom boom!
The garrison on the south side of the river consisted of only about 5,000 troops who had escaped from Fort Jackson. The militia had all gathered on the north side.
They were already suffering from many casualties, and their defenses were far inferior to Fort Jackson.
There was no way they could stand a chance.
Of course, the garrison that had escaped from Fort Jackson had tried to cross to the north.
“Damn it, those militia bastards.”
They were regular army troops. Even so, the militia insisted that they needed troops on the south side, forcing them to stay there. This was possible because the commander of Fort St. Philip, the defensive facility on the north side, supported the militia’s claim. He had a higher rank, so they were forced to stay on the south side.
Boom boom boom! Boom!
“There’s no point in resisting anymore!”
Their few cannons were being destroyed one after another. The soldiers were too afraid to approach the cannons.
“…Let’s surrender.”
A white flag soon rose on the south side of the river.
It had only been half a day since the battle began.
The next day.
Huff- huff-
Isaac patted the back of the white soldier next to him.
“Are you feeling better now?”
The soldier, who had vomited on the riverbank, finally nodded.
He tried to act nonchalant, but everyone understood his feelings, so they pretended not to notice.
Thump- thump-
The small steamboat they were on was crossing the river.
The crossing operation, which was carried out after reorganizing the troops after securing the south side of the river, was a joint operation between the army and navy.
The ironclads, lined up in a single file as they had done yesterday, were taking enemy fire on their hulls while destroying enemy coastal artillery one by one, and the monitor ships were firing their main guns in between.
Meanwhile, the armored frigates and smaller ships were transporting soldiers to the north. Unfortunately, Isaac’s squad had been assigned to a steam brig instead of an armored frigate.
Another cannonball plunged into the river. It was aimed at the ship they were on.
The tension continued.
The crossing operation was divided into two groups, left and right, to disperse the enemy’s forces.
As intended, the enemy forces were dispersed to the left and right of New Orleans, and to the city center, where they were engaged in a fierce battle with the fleet.
They were heading towards the west side of the city.
“Once we arrive, run to cover immediately. Run for your lives.”
The commander ordered as they approached the riverbank.
It wasn’t like there was a lot of cover. Rocks, trees, low terrain, and craters left by shelling were all considered cover.
The US military wasn’t stupid, so they had sent 30,000 troops to the outskirts of the city to block the crossing.
The moment they attempted to cross, they would be exposed to the barrage.
Thump- thump-
Isaac, an African American, briefly regretted volunteering for the army, but he quickly shook it off.
Wasn’t this the country that had saved him and his family from a life of slavery in Texas? His parents had warned him about the dangers, but they couldn’t stop his burning patriotism.
As the steam brig approached the riverbank, it turned its hull to face the river, making it easier to disembark.
It was time to get off.
As he took a deep breath, the officer shouted.
“Hold on! Wait for the armored frigate next to us to fire a volley before crossing!”
Boom boom boom boom boom boom!
The armored frigate next to them turned and unleashed a barrage. The barrage temporarily scattered the US troops who were aiming at them from the front.
The officer disembarked first.
“Over there!”
His memories were a bit hazy after that. He only remembered running like crazy with the rest of his squad, screaming.
“Open fire!”
The officer’s order came immediately after they successfully reached cover, thankfully without being killed.
Isaac instinctively aimed at the enemy’s chest and pulled the trigger!
“Why are they standing there so openly?”
Isaac, who knew nothing about the army, thought that, but it didn’t matter.
Isaac grabbed the bolt handle of his rifle, rotated it slightly counterclockwise, and pulled it back to open the bolt.
He took a bullet and gunpowder wrapped in paper from his ammo pouch and put them in the bolt. He pushed the ammo into the chamber, pushed the bolt forward, and rotated the bolt handle to lock the bolt.
The action he had practiced underground for a month was executed unconsciously.
Isaac reloaded, aimed at the enemy standing stupidly, and fired.
The US troops were forming a line, desperately trying to stop the Mexican troops from landing.
Landing meant no retreat. The water was right behind them. That’s why the US troops were forming a line close to the river, blocking the landing and trying to slaughter those who had just landed.
This tactic, which theoretically should have inflicted immense damage on the enemy, actually inflicted heavy losses on the US troops due to the support fire from the armored frigate and another factor.
A rhythmic firing sound echoed from somewhere. The first shots of the VA-45 machine gun created a new rhythm on the battlefield. The continuous firing sound symbolized the new power of the Mexican troops.
At first, there was only one. At that point, the US seemed to be carrying out the operation well. They used cannons brought from the North to damage the armored frigates and small brigs, and the infantry formed a line of fire, diligently hunting down the Mexican troops running towards cover.
After a few minutes, the sounds started to overlap.
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo-!
The VA-45 machine gun, the new weapon brought by the Mexican Empire, started spitting fire.
The VA-45 machine guns were strategically deployed at key points on the battlefield, especially along the enemy’s advance route and expected gathering areas.
This weapon, capable of firing up to 500 rounds per minute, began to tear apart the US troops’ line, which had stubbornly held its ground even in the face of the armored frigate’s barrage.
“Damn it!”
“I, I can’t, I can’t go!”
If someone in front died, they had to fill the gap. After all, even if the cannon was fast, it would take a few minutes to fire. They might get hit, or they might not. If they only fired one shot and then retreated, only those with extremely bad luck would die.
That was why line infantry could maintain their formation in the musket era. The loading speed of cannons and muskets was ridiculously slow, their range was short, and their accuracy was low.
However, as weapons systems advanced, it was no longer those with “extremely bad luck” who died, but those with “extremely good luck” who survived.
With the advent of breech-loading rifles, breech-loading rifled cannons, and even machine guns, the US troops started dying as soon as they filled the line.
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo-!
As machine guns started to operate in various parts of the battlefield, the artillerymen took their positions and started firing field guns. The US commander ordered a retreat at the sound of the cannonade that shook the ground.
Bang! Boom!
The US troops held on as long as possible to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy before they all crossed over, but it was not enough. The fundamental difference in power between the two armies was too overwhelming.
The battle, which began in the early morning, continued late into the night.
“Let’s retreat here. Withdraw our troops to the north.”
“Yes! Retreat! Retreat north!”
The Mexican army’s new weapons boasted powerful firepower, but they were not invincible. There were overheating problems, and if they had responded by targeting the machine guns with cannons and dispersing their formation flexibly, they could have inflicted heavy losses on the Mexican Empire’s army.
The problem was that the US army didn’t have that capability. The massive casualties that occurred in just a few hours had demoralized the soldiers, and they were panicking and collapsing. If they continued fighting, the entire army would start to crumble.
It was only natural, but most of the soldiers were new recruits. Most of them hadn’t even received a week of training, let alone a month.
If the officers could hold their ground and command their troops, they wouldn’t collapse so easily, but most of the officers were also inexperienced, with no combat experience.
That’s why Lieutenant General Winfield Scott, after consulting with senior officers who had tactical insight, ordered a quick retreat.
“Yes, it’s a retreat order!”
The US officers who received the retreat order immediately calmed their soldiers and withdrew them to the city, but it was different from what Lieutenant General Winfield Scott had ordered.
“Retreat to the city! Engage in street fighting!”
“Yes! Street fighting!”
The command was baffled when they saw some soldiers entering New Orleans.
“Wait! That’s not it!”
“It’s not the city! Retreat north!”
Orders were confused in the chaos of battle. Some ordered a retreat to the city, while others ordered a retreat north.
There was no time to resolve the confusion. Most of the Mexican Empire’s army had crossed the river, and they were pushing forward, driving back the retreating enemy.
Thus, the United States army was split in two.
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