IBTCPOTME Novel - Chapter 114
**Chapter 114**
**Rebellion and Revolution (3)**
The Mexican Empire’s fleet had docked at the main port of Santo Domingo, on the eastern side of Hispaniola Island.
“That must be the ironclad ship.”
“It’s not for nothing that France lost. How can we possibly capture such a monster?”
While the locals were marveling at the majestic appearance of the Mexican Empire’s fleet, the army began to land.
Juan Pablo Duarte closed his eyes tightly at the disciplined appearance of the soldiers.
‘I can’t turn back now.’
Just seeing the Mexican Empire’s fleet and army was enough to make their fighting spirit disappear.
Was this all the result of leading ‘La Trinitaria’ and pushing for independence for so long?
He felt a sense of disillusionment.
‘Should I have compromised? Should I have fought to stop them?’
It’s a meaningless question.
After the last debate, the public opinion of the eastern residents had completely swung towards joining the Mexican Empire. In that situation, even if he insisted on fighting, nothing would go right.
The Mexican diplomat, escorted by the army, approached. It was because he was nominally one of the representatives of the eastern residents.
The diplomat said.
“Even if Haiti decides to go to war, there will be no bloodshed among the eastern residents, and there will be no land confiscation, except for those related to the Haitian government.”
“Then, can you help us secure control?”
The situation was already settled between him and Fuentes, who had already insisted on joining.
All he could do was watch as the Mexican army and officials took over the east.
The Mexican Empire’s fleet suppressed the ports along the coastline that hadn’t secured control yet and landed marines there.
Boom Boom Boom-
A single threatening shot from the fleet was enough to make even the most rebellious places quiet down.
Juan Pablo, watching from the ship, felt a two-sided emotion of confidence and fear. The Mexican Empire’s diplomat, seeing his expression, said.
“Can you continue to help the government in the future? The Mexican Empire’s government prefers to appoint locals to administrative positions, and if you accept, I’ll recommend you.”
“…I thought that position was going to Fuentes. Or did he receive a higher position?”
It was Fuentes who led the effort to join the Mexican Empire and ultimately succeeded. It’s understandable that they would prefer locals for local stability, but Fuentes would be the top candidate for that position.
If the Mexican Empire was greedy for control of the Caribbean, Fuentes, who helped them easily take over over 2/3 of the second largest island in the Caribbean, would be quite valuable.
“No. Fuentes refused. Of course, we offered him many positions, considering his contributions, but he asked us to build a school instead.”
Hearing that, Pablo felt like he had been hit in the back of the head. It was because he had thought that Fuentes was just someone who wanted to advance by flattering the Mexican Empire’s government. But he turned down a high position and wanted a school.
He was secretly shocked, and before he could say anything, the Mexican Empire’s diplomat continued.
He explained that the Mexican Empire’s administrative districts were structured in four levels: *Estado* (State), *Provincia* (Province), *Distrito* (District), and *Ciudades* (Cities) or *Pueblo* (Town).
“The position I’m offering is the *Alcalde* (Mayor) position of the ‘*Distrito de la Dominicana*’ (District of Dominica), the lower administrative district of the eastern ‘*Provincia de Hispaniola*’ (Province of Hispaniola). I know you have a deep affection for the area, as you’ve been pushing for independence for so long. I hope you’ll accept the position.”
Pablo pondered for a moment.
‘It seems like the *Provincia* level’s top official is someone the Mexican central government will send. Of course, they wouldn’t give him that high of a position.’
His independence movement had unexpectedly resulted in joining the Mexican Empire, and he almost completely lost his motivation, but he couldn’t completely trust the Mexican Empire yet.
It would be better to have a position, for the sake of protecting the residents.
Pablo made his decision.
“Alright. I’ll do my best.”
“He accepted the annexation request? How can that be? That place is clearly our rightful territory!”
Haiti protested fiercely, but the Mexican diplomat scoffed and said.
“Haiti’s claim of ‘rightful territory’ is weak. Haiti and the Dominica area are completely different, even in their culture, right? It’s just that Haiti forcefully conquered the area, which had formed a government and established an independent country 22 years ago. Can you call that rightful?”
“We occupied the eastern part of the island to spread the ideology of abolition and liberation. In fact…”
The Haitian diplomat tried to claim justification for the conquest, but the Mexican diplomat didn’t want to engage in such useless wordplay.
“If Haiti had truly liberated the eastern residents, they wouldn’t have grievances and rebelled, nor would they have requested to join the Mexican Empire.”
“It’s just a temporary grievance caused by the high tax burden, to pay off the huge debt to France, and now England. To use such a grievance as justification for such an atrocity…”
“Do you think we don’t know that the Haitian government’s major officials and landowners live lavishly, completely unaffected by that ‘huge debt’? I don’t want to hear such useless talk anymore.”
The Mexican side was forceful. There was no point in further conversation.
It was as if they were saying, ‘Declare war if you want to’.
Naturally, they couldn’t declare war on Mexico, and Haiti lost 2/3 of its territory in an instant. It was because the Mexican Empire had taken over the area that was once a Spanish colony.
The Mexican soldiers confiscated the farms of those related to the Haitian government. Haiti was indignant, but there was no country to help them.
It was a problem that they had lost territory and farms, but the bigger problem was just beginning.
“We lost 2/3 of our territory, and we couldn’t do anything?”
“Then what the hell are we supposed to do!”
The grievances of the Haitian residents, which had been suppressed for a long time, began to erupt, starting with this incident.
“Hmm, good things keep happening in a row.”
He had a relaxed time eating and drinking with his close aides. And when he woke up in the hotel, a report came in that they had successfully taken over the Dominica area.
“It seems like you had quite a party yesterday, Your Majesty.”
Diego said with a bright expression.
“That’s right. It’s a good thing everyone is still healthy. We should have these kinds of gatherings more often.”
“Yes, that’s a good idea. It seems like everyone, not just Your Majesty, had a good time.”
“You enjoyed yourself quite a bit too, didn’t you.”
Of course, Diego was also a guest invited to the party, so there was no problem.
“Ahem, it was good to see my friends.”
“Friends? Ah, you mean Sergio.”
Andres Ortega, the president of Ortega Construction, had attended with his son, Sergio Ortega. He was a talented person I had sent to university at my own expense, and he was working at Estrada Steel.
It was Sunday, the last day of their vacation.
Normally, they should go to church, but today, they decided to relax. They needed to work hard starting tomorrow.
Attending a Catholic church was practically an obligation for the upper class in Mexico, but it wasn’t a big deal to miss a day.
I told Diego to go back to the hotel room and enjoy the last day of his vacation, and I was relaxing.
Rain was falling outside for the first time in a while, and I opened the window to listen to the sound of the rain.
Had it been 10 minutes since I had been enjoying my leisure time? I heard a knock.
Knock knock knock-
‘Who is it?’
There was a guard outside the door, so it couldn’t be a stranger, but the guard wouldn’t knock, so it meant a guest had arrived.
“I said my vacation was until today…”
I opened the door, dressed casually.
“Who are you?”
It was a familiar face. I don’t remember his name, but I know he’s from the Foreign Ministry.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your rest, Your Majesty. There’s an urgent matter.”
“…Come in.”
I guess my rest is over.
Knock knock knock-
“Your Majesty, can I come in?”
Diego, who must have heard the sound, came looking.
“Come in.”
The large hotel room had a reception room. After the Foreign Ministry official and Diego sat down, I immediately asked.
“So, what’s this urgent matter?”
“The United States and the Republic of Nueva Granada have signed a military alliance treaty.”
I felt a chill down my spine when I heard that.
The Republic of Nueva Granada was Colombia, which bordered our Mexican Empire to the south. Many people just call it Colombia, but its official name is ‘República de la Nueva Granada’ (Republic of Nueva Granada).
I urgently asked.
“A military alliance? What exactly does that mean?”
“The United States and the Republic of Nueva Granada have announced that they have agreed to a formal military alliance, along with guaranteeing most favored nation treatment for navigation and commerce. They also said that they have guaranteed the United States free passage through the Panama Canal Zone.”
There was a similar treaty between the United States and Colombia in the original history. I’m not a history major, but thanks to playing history games, I know a bit about the history of Central and South America during this period.
‘Most favored nation treatment and Panama passage are the same, but it was definitely a defense treaty.’
“…Are you sure it’s a military alliance, not a defense treaty?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Alright. Thanks for letting me know on a Sunday.”
“You’re welcome, Your Majesty.”
“Diego, our vacation is over. Get ready to go to the palace.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
I hurriedly packed my things and left the hotel room.
When I was about to open the door to my office in the palace, I heard a familiar voice.
“Your Majesty!”
“Colonel, you heard too. Come in.”
It was Colonel Ricardo, the head of the intelligence unit.
He apologized as soon as he came into the room.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I should have known beforehand.”
“We were still establishing a base in Colombia, so it was unavoidable. This must have been carried out in secret, so unless they had recruited enough high-ranking officials, they wouldn’t have been able to find out. The important thing is not that, but why Colombia made this choice. Do you have any idea?”
It’s not a defense treaty, where they only participate in a war if they’re invaded, but a military alliance treaty, where they have to participate in every war.
The reason why the United States made this choice is obvious. It’s because of our Mexican Empire, isn’t it?
In the previous life, Mexico was just a soft, easy target, unable to even win against the Republic of Texas, but in this world, Mexico is not an easy opponent for the United States either.
No matter how much they want to ignore it, the Mexican Empire is a country that even defeated France. And it wasn’t long ago that thousands of US soldiers died in the Comanche War.
‘They still can’t give up their territorial greed.’
It’s not just politicians who have territorial greed. The desire for expansion is enormous, whether it’s the past or the present, but now it’s being blocked.
If the United States wants to expand, they have to fight England or Mexico, but no matter what, Mexico is easier. There are even some people in the United States who call Mexico their ‘arch-rival’, so it’s completely understandable that the United States would seek a military alliance in South America.
‘But why Colombia?’
Colonel Ricardo simply answered my question.
“They haven’t revealed the exact amount, but it seems like they agreed to pay a considerable amount under the name of Panama passage fees. And the alliance with the United States can provide stability for President Eran and the government of the Republic of Nueva Granada, who are politically unstable.”
“If it’s money, we can sell them coal from our Mexican Empire. Colombia must know about the tension between our Mexican Empire and the United States. It’s strange that they would sign a military alliance, just for a bit of money.”
“I’m not sure, but it seems like the US side made a backroom deal with President Eran.”
“…They haven’t changed their habits.”
Colonel Ricardo said he wasn’t sure, but my intuition screamed that it was true.
Isn’t it a pattern I’ve seen before?
It was the United States who offered me a bribe to buy Texas at my wedding.
The details are a bit different, but the essence is the same. They tried to handle official business between countries by bribing the ruler.
I sighed involuntarily.
Even though it was midday, the world outside the window was dark, shrouded in rain clouds.
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